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... words cannot be found,

if words are not enough to

describe your own feelings...

... then music can...

The philosophy behind Matzumi Music

Music Is So Much More Than Just The Sound In Your Ear.....

... this is what it says again and again when it comes to the music of Matzumi, but what is behind it?
Vangelis, Loreena McKennitt, Lisa Gerrard - great names of artists with whom Matzumi is often compared. How often one reads this in the comments of those listeners and Matzumi fans, but Matzumi insists on independence, on unconditional authenticity - whether in the sound of her music or in her very own and distinctive singing.
In her music, Matzumi tells her very own story, whereby her music mostly manages without words. She has her very own "handwriting". Every sound - no matter how inconspicuous - is well thought out, nothing is left to chance. Every sound has its own specific message, a specific message that tells its listeners who Matzumi is.
Music as a diary of one's own life, own experiences, adventures, emotions. Music as a snapshot of moods, thoughts, feelings. Sometimes dramatic, sometimes melancholic, sometimes quiet, sometimes stirring.
Music influences us directly. Matzumi penetrates with her sounds deep into the soul of those listeners who get involved and let themselves be carried by her sound painting.
Matzumi Music takes us on a journey to ourselves.

The background of her Music:

The instrument as the mouthpiece of the soul, the music as a diary of one's own life. Compositions are emotions - expressed in sound and tone.
"Music has so much power! It captures us, makes us see images in our minds, lets us escape from the gray reality."
"It likes stories, likes to tell things that are difficult to put into words."
"Music can create worlds for us and is so much more than just the sound in our ears..."

- Matzumi -

The early beginning...

...it started with a children's accordion and a children's piano. Later a real accordion followed, which was found in her granny's attic. Actually much too heavy and too big for her, this accordion was her favourite pastime.

After the reunification she got her first keyboard as a present: a Hohner PSK 15, which is still in her possession today.

A few years later the small keyboard was no longer enough for her. She exhausted all the ideas she could musically realize with it. A bigger one was needed. Two more keyboards followed, including a high-quality entertainment keyboard: the Yamaha PSR 740.

Matzumis equipment, early 2000s:  Yamaha PSR 740 and Yamaha DJ X

The first time live

August 2000: Matzumi, who didn't even have this stage name in mind at that time, was on her way to a studio with her Yamaha PSR 740 to have a song mastered. The title "Extatic Life" got its tonal fine-tuning. Already at that time she had started to develop her - for her today so typical - vocals. With this she first impressed her mastering engineer, later on also the guys from the synthpop band F.P., who were looking for a background singer at that time. After her own song, she was invited back into the studio a little later to sing a song of this band. The title was "Deadly Thoughts", was very bombastic in its composition and was part of the album "Invent", which was still being produced at that time. In November 2002 it was released. Matzumi sang to two more songs for the band F.P.

Of course the album "Invent" was also performed live and so it happened that Matzumi got a taste of stage air for the first time in her artistic life.

© 2025 , Matzumi Music. All rights reserved.


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